Hessen 1815-1866
Provinzgrenze = Provincial Boundaries)
(Not the same as church boundaries)
KGR = Kingdom of
Preussen = Prussia
Nieder-Hessen = Lower Hessen (elevation, not map position)
OberHessen = Upper Hessen (elevation, not map position)
Kft = Greater Principality
Ghzt = Grand Duchy
Lgsfsch = Regional District controlled by a Count
RheinHessen = Hessen area that borders on the Rhein River;
Today it is in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz.
Starkenburg = An area named after Starkenburg Castle
Hzt = Duchy
FT = Principality
Thü = Thüringen
Freie Stadt = Free-standing city-state
Bayern = Bavaria
Baden = Baden
(Separated areas belong to the entity that has the same
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