(You simply use your BACK button to return to the index
after researching a topic, or click on "back to
[recommended screen size: 800x600 pixels]
Archive, Church and Municipal, Made
Churches of all denominations are listed under "Kirchen" and offices of
the civil administration are listed under "Gemeindeverwaltung" (town government)
and "Stadtverwaltung" (city government), in the German telephone directory.
Find lots of telephone directories at
Federal Archives in Germany Central Office for Genealogy in Germany |
The "Lands" of the German Empire from 1871 until 1945 |
Don's Personal German Language Archive Letters
(Site has current payment methods and German postage
back to index
Generally speaking, the Evangelical or
Catholic church maintained genealogical archives before 1871. In 1876 it
became the official responsibility of each muncipality (after
1 Oct 1874 for Hessen-Kassel church archives;
still others are 1876 and after). The"Melderegister" (citizen reporting
register) at each municipality was used to record all
significant events, including birth, marriage, and death records. They also
recorded each time someone moved into or out of the community.
A "Melderegister" may contain up to three generations of a single family.
Do not confuse church and municipal archives. Before 1871 (except
Hessen-Kassel non-Catholic), send all inquiries to the local church.
After 1871, to the municipality. Never send your initial inquiry
to a "central" archive. If your ancestors
are not in the town or church, the local
office will refer you to a "central" or other archive.
Staatsarchiv = State Archive
All Hessen Archives are listed at...
Hessen Church Registers
Some "Secret
Emigrants" in a limited number of |
Town Archives Stadtarchiv Darmstadt Karolinenplatz 3 64289 Darmstadt
Addresses of the Catholic Church Dioceses
Tel 011 49 6151 366363 email: zentralarchiv@ekhn-kv.de
Holger Bogs, Director
Hessische Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (State of
Hessen State Archives in Darmstadt, Germany) has the municipal records of
the area of the former State of Hessen-Darmstadt until 1945.
Miscellaneous Stadtarchive (Town-City Archives) Archive Guide All Archives & Libraries - Addresses plus Coat of Arms, Heraldry |
(Hessen-Kassel Church Archives)
Landeskirchearchiv Lessingstraße 15 A 34119 Kassel http://www.ekkw.de/archiv/ E-Mail Archiv Kassel archiv@t-online.de (KurHessen-Waldeck Evangelical Church Archives) They will accept English language inquiries via E-Mail. Send a maximum of 3 or 4 persons, complete with name, date of birth or close, and EXACT town of birth.
This site includes address/URL/E-Mail information for Marburg;
see also main
State archive Marburg. The National Archives USA; Huguenot archives;
ancestors; Catholic archives, Fulda , Mainz, and Padderborn regions; Jewish
archives; City of Kassel; Genealogy Society for KurHessen & Waldeck;
and more. For the German language family research
For IMPORTANT information about the
For District Parishes in
Staatsarchiv Marburg (State of Hessen Archives in Marburg,
Germany) Hessisches Staatsarchiv Friedrichplatz 15 Postfach 540 35037 Marburg Germany poststelle@stama.Hessen.de http://www.archive.Hessen.de/html/sta_marburg.htm has the records of the area of the former State of Hessen-Kassel until 1945. The Hessen Emigration List is known as HESAUS - Hessian Auswanderer (Literally, Hessians who wandered out, away from Hessen. Details are listed under Q&A/FAQ on our home page). |
(Town Archive) Stadtarchiv Wiesbaden Im Rad 20 65197 Wiesbaden Click Here (Main State Archive) Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden Mainzer Strasse 80 65189 Weisbaden (Hessen Main State Archive) Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Mosbacherstrasse 55 65187 Wiesbaden HauptStaatsarchiv Wiesbaden (Main State Archives, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany) has the records of the modern Federal State of Hessen since 1945 and the record of the area of the former State of Hessen-Nassau until 1945.
Hessische Landesbibliotek Wiesbaden |
Evangelical Church Districts follow the
original jurisdictional boundaries prior to 1866. These are not political
boundaries! A similar map for the Catholic Church is
found here. |
Archives in Fulda, Hessen
If you speak German you can telephone them at 011-49-661-87375
or 76 |
Other Catholic Archives
Dom- und Diözesanarchiv Mainz e-mail: ddamz@Bistum-Mainz.de
Erzbistumsarchiv Paderborn |
Here is an excellent cross reference
for church locations
See the Hessen
website for |
G. Kurgan, E. Spelkens, "Two Studies on Emigration through Antwerp to the New World." Brussels: Center for American Studies 1976 (contains an essay by G. Kurgan-van Hententryk on Belgian emigration to the United States and other overseas countries at the beginning of the 20th century, and a statistical investigation by E. Spelkels on Antwerp as a port of emigration. 1843-1913). Only the embarkation lists of 1855 have survived and been published: Charles M. Hall (ed.), "The Antwerp Emigration Index." Salt Lake City: Heritage International (NY) -- name, age, place of origin, name of ship and place where passport was issued, for about 5,100 emigrants, many of them from Germany. Registers for other years were destroyed by German troops in 1914. The Ludwigsburg State Archives preserves a list of Wuerttemberg emigrants on the ship "Vaterlands-Liebe," leaving Antwerp for Philadelphia in May 1817 (Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3, 71638 Ludwigsburg, reproduced in Guenter Moltmann (ed.) "Aufbruch nach Amerika." Tuebingen: Wunderlich 1979, 163-168). Additional records in the City Archives of Antwerp have been checked for names of German emigrants: hotel registers 1801-1821 and 1858-1887 (MA2641, MA2645, MA2669, MA2672), lists of emigres 1793-1815 (MA447/1, MA450/1) sojourn registers 1840-1871 (MA2670/1-12, MA2671/1), general records on German emigrants 1850-1856 (MA674/1), passport and visa registers 1798-1857 (MA2643, MA2644) passenger arrivals from FROM Rotterdam and London 1843-1844 (MA2636). Most of these lists are incomplete. None contains German emigrants in transit. Source: http://www.progenealogists.com/germany/articles/gdepart.htm, under "Antwerp", Copyright © 1997 Friedrich R. Wollmersäuser. |
in Germany INDEX |
Archive Resources for Europe (includes Germany) |
Miscellaneous and Military
Archives for All of Germany are listed near the end of this site.
CLICK HERE SHIPS PASSENGER LISTS / OTHER SHIP ARCHIVES CLICK HERE Prussia Pfalz Huguenots Einwohnermeldeamt (Citizens Reporting Office) |
German Language Links
Evangelical Churches in Germany | CLICK HERE |
Catholic Churches in Germany | CLICK HERE |
Postal Zip Codes for Germany | CLICK HERE |
Federal Republic of Germany Official Archives--Federal | CLICK HERE |
Archives in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) |
When all else fails...........
See end of this page |
On international mail add "Germany" below the city. Drop the D- in front of the zip code. Do not use punctuation in your return address, or in the German address, on your envelope. The computerized mailing system in the USA and Germany does not like to read punctuation marks.
On international telephone calls, follow the instructions in your telephone
directory. That normally involves dropping the initial 0 (zero) in German
telephone numbers, then, for example, using 011 49 as the prefix from the
USA, followed by the German number (without the leading 0) Example: Change
0651 44293 to 011 49 651 44293.
Hessen archives are found on this page. Includes
Hessen-Kassel and military archive information. Some Hessen archives will
also be found under Stadtarchiv, Staatsarchiv, Standesamt, and Pfarramt.
Use your FIND function at the top of your page if you know the spelling of
the town your archive is in. That will take you directly to it.
You can also use FIND if you know the 5-digit zip code. |
back to index
The following addresses, FAX numbers, and a few telephone numbers
are borrowed from Germany Genealogy, Arthur Teschler. I am presenting the
information in a different format in order to speed access. No guarantee
as to accuracy is offered by Don Watson. Don Watson did the research,
copied what he saw, and hereby acknowledges his source. From time to time
other sources may be added. Please note
that villages and towns do not need an exact street
address, just zip code plus the village or town name. Large cities, however,
may have more than one archive, and the correct street address and zip code
is important. You may want to use the German Telephone Directory
FOR ARCHIVES IN ZIP CODE ZONES 3 AND 6 (not all are in Hessen) and
areas formerly in Hessen, or nearby. Includes Hamburgand Bremen ports.
Use your browser's FIND function to find a particular location.
(Municipal Archives)
(Municipal Offices)
Pfarramt (Church Archives)
Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Addresses: English Language Introduction |
1. Go to http://www.familysearch.org. On left side of the screen click on
"Browse 13. Go back to Step #9 and click on 41-60, and so on.
This step-by-step procedure will help you identify what is available in the |
Stadtarchiv = City-Town Archives
Staatsarchiv = State
The Genealogical Filing System for the German People
Note: It is often more beneficial to inquire of the local government
about which archives do what, and who the contact persons
are. Local government is known as the "Verwaltung." Cites are Stadtverwaltung,
and towns are Gemeindeverwaltung. Always write GERMANY under
the zip code + town name when mailing a letter to Germany
Caution: There are 55 towns named Reichenbach in Germany! Just a reminder
as to how important the zip code is for successful research.
Stadtarchiv u. Stadtbibliothek
(City Archives and Library)
Am Steine 7
(Street Address)
31134 Hildesheim
+ City)
05121 16810
(Telephone Number)
(To call from the USA change to 011 49 5121 16810)
Municipal Archive
Martin-Luther-Str. 2
Street Address
32105 Bad Salzuflen
ZIP + City
Critical Country Name
Am Abdinghof 11
33098 Paderborn
Karmelitergasse 5
60311 Frankfurt am Main
FAX 011 49 69 2123 0753
34117 Kassel
Nord-Süd-Str. 155
38259 Salzgitter
Stadtarchiv Mainz
Rheinallee 3B
55116 Mainz
Herrnstr. 61
63065 Offenbach am Main
Stadt- u. Stiftsarchiv
Wermbachstr. 15
63739 Aschaffenburg
Schloßplatz 2
63450 Hanau
Gymnasiumstrasse 3
63654 Buedingen
Stadtarchiv Pirmasens
Stadverwaltung Exerzierplatz
66953 Primasens
Rottstr. 17
67061 Ludwigshafen
Heiliggeiststr. 12
69117 Heidelberg , Neckar
Return to Hessen
Staatsarchiv [STATE ARCHIVES] |
ABC-Str. 19 A
20354 Hamburg
Kattunbleiche 19
22041 Hamburg
Am Staatsarchiv 1
28203 Bremen
Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Central
State Archive - Military, also, 19th century)
Am Archiv 1
30169 Hannover
Willi-Hofmann-Str. 2
32756 Detmold
Die baden-württembergischen Staatsarchive
The Archives for the Federal German State of
HauptStaatsarchiv Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 4
70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: 011-49-711-2124335, Telefax: 011-49-711-2124360
GeneralLandesarchiv Karlsruhe
Nördliche Hildapromenade 2
76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon: 0721-9262201, Telefax: 0721-9262231
Staatsarchiv Freiburg
Colombistr. 4
79098 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761-380600, Telefax: 0761-3806013
Generalllandesarchiv Karlsruhe
Nordliche Hildapromenade 2
76133 Karlsruhe
Staatsarchiv Freiburg
Colombistrasse 4
79098 Freiburg
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv
Abt IV (Kriegsarchiv), Leonrodstrasse 57
80636 Munchen
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv
Schonfeldstrasse 5
80539 Munchen
Staatsarchiv Bremen
Prasident-Kennedy-Platz 2
28203 Bremen
Staatsarchiv Hamburg
Katlunbleiche 19
22041 Hamburg
Niedersachsisches Staatsarchiv Hannover
Am Archiv 1
30169 Hannover
RHEINLAND (Rhineland; Rhenania):
Nordrhein-Westfalisches Personenstandsarchiv Rheinland
Schloss, Eingang Schlossstrasse 12
50321 Bruhl
Perrsonenstandarchiv Rheinland
Schloss Augustusburg
50321 Bruhl
Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz
Karmeliterstrasse 1/3
56068 Koblenz
Nordrhein-Westfalisches Staatsarchiv Detmold
Willi-Hofmann-Strasse 2
32756 Detmold
Return to Hessen
back to index
Often the archives are in the same building as the offices of municipal administration. If you don't find your municipal administration address at the offices listed below, come back to this box and CLICK HERE. Once on site, choose English (if necessary). Type in the word Gemeindeverwaltung for smaller communities, or Stadtverwaltung for larger cities, then the name of the town or city you are interested in. When there is more than one municipality with the same name, you will be given the option of checking the correct one, then searching for the office there. It is, therefore, important to know the name of the county the municipality is in, or at least the names of nearby towns and cities. Please note that the office addresses are in the German language AND that it will be up to the municipal government to forward your inquiry to the appropriate genealogical archive. This procedure may help you locate the town or city street address and postal code. The latter is vital to staying on track. Bear in mind that quite often the Standesamt (genealogy office) is located in the same building as the Stadtverwaltung. If you don't know the address of the Standesamt, writing to the Stadtverwaltung is a safe bet about 99% of the time. |
Standesamt I
Rheinstr. 54
12161 Berlin
Marienstrasse 75
32425 Minden
Berliner Str. 70
33330 Gütersloh
Kasseler Strasse 2
34281 Gudensberg
Stadtverwaltung Werkel, Wehren, and Fritzlar
34560 Fritzlar
Ostanlage 25
35390 Gießen
Marktplatz 14
36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda
Joachim-Campe-Str. 2
38226 Salzgitter
Bethmannstr. 3
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 6
61476 Kronberg im Taunus
06173 7030
Marktplatz 8
64283 Darmstadt
Rathausstrasse 8
66901 Schoenenberg-Kuebelberg
Standesamt, Rathaus
Rathausplatz 20
67059 Ludwigshafen
Standesamt einschl. Bestattungswesen
Marktplatz 2
76530 Baden-Baden
Return to Hessen
Office + Name of Office/Street Address/Zip Code + City/FAX/Telephone
On international mail feel free to add "Germany" below the zip + city
name. If you place a telephone call from the United States remember to drop
the leading 0 and substitute 011 49. Example: 0341 4011598 becomes 011 49
341 401 1598.
If you don't find your church archive address at the church offices listed below page, come back to this box and CLICK HERE. Once on site, choose English (if necessary). Type in the word Kirchen and the name of the village, town, or city you are interested in. When there is more than one municipality with the same name, you will be given the option of checking the correct one, then searching for the church offices there. Please note that the church office addresses are in the German language AND not all have genealogical archives. However, this procedure may help you locate the church name, street address, and postal code. |
Evgl. Pfarr-Bezirk I Menzelstrasse 1 32429 Minden
Evgl. Pfarr-Bezirk II
Reformierte Kirche St. Petri
Kath. Dekanatsbuero fuer das Dekanat Minden
Pfarramt II
Pfarramt III
Pfarramt IV
Katholische Kirche
Kath. Pfarramt Heilig Geist
Katholische Pfarramt
Katholische Kirche
Evgl. Pfarramt
Kath. Pfarramt
Evgl. Pfarramt
Kath. Pfarramt St. Peter
Pfarramt III
Kath. Pfarramt
Katholische Kirche
Kath. Pfarramt
Kath. Pfarramt St. Andreas
Kath. Pfarramt St. Bonifatius
Evgl. Dekanat des Kirchenkreises
Kirchenbuchamt (Office of Evgl. Church Registers)
Evgl. Bonhoeffer-Kirchengemeinde
Evgl. Pfarramt Kreuzkirche
Evgl. Gemeinde-Buero (central office)
Evgl. Pfarramt I
Evgl. Pfarramt I
Kath. Pfarramt St. Jakobus
Kath. Pfarramt St. Ulrich
Pfarramt Schwarzenhasel
Kath. Apostelkirche
Kath. St. Elisabeth
Pfarramt St. Petri Grone
Evgl. Pfarramt Wolferborn
Kath. Pfarramt St. Bonifatius
Gesamtverband der katholischen Kirchengemeinden
Church Archives, Hannover, E-Mail: Kirchenbuch.Staki.Hannover@evlka.de
Diozenanarchiv Berlin
Gatzstrasse 65
12099 Berlin
Bistumsarchiv Trier
Jesuitenstrasse 13b
54290 Trier
Historisches Archiv des Erztistums Köln
Gereonstrasse 2-4
50670 Koln
(Try this one first)
Weilburger Str. 16
65549 Limburg
E-Mail for Appointments:
Diözesanarchiv Limburg (Try this one
Rossmarkt 4
65549 Limburg/Lahn
Erzbistumsarchiv Paderborn
Domplatz 3
33098 Paderborn
Old church records from 1730 to 1800 for the church in Bad Rappenau are
available online for this area near the Baden and Hessen border.
Ev.-Luth Landeskirche
99817 Eisenach
Geschichtsverein Altkreis Rotenburg
Im Heienbach 53
36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda
Includes merged military records from the old Communist East Germany,
available at
a central location in Berlin.
MILITARY RECORDS from the past....
"Five Larger Germanic Record Collections at the FHL," inclusive
of the area between Russia, France, and Northern Italy.
Records of the Central Command
1) Commissions. 1466-1866
2) Nobility Grants. 1636-1753
3) Vital Certificates
4) Wills. 1639-1771
5) Pension and Assistance Records (note: to use this you need the regiment)
Pensions. 1749-1922
Invalid Office. 1723-1803
Orphans' Commission: 1702-1870
Soldier Orphans: 1700-1870
6) Army Rank and Regiment Schematics. 1583-1849
7) Payment Books. 1753-1819
8) Marriage Bonds. 1750-1918
9) Military School Records
10) Military Court Records
Records of Individual Units, with index.
1) Muster Rolls. 1740-1820
2) Foundation Books. 1820-1918
3) Service Records. 1812-1918
4) Records of the Navy. 1760-1918
5) Parish of individual unit
Remember that you cannot contact military archives in Germany or at the FHL to ask "Would you look to see if my ancestor is in any of your records?" You MUST have something that you have developed that leads you to believe that your ancestor will be found in a specific record for a specific time period. If you do not, you are wasting their time and yours.
Remember that Germany did not exist as a confederation of states
until 1871. Prior to that time all of the dukedoms, principalities, and church
districts had their own rules and regulations. Generally speaking, everyone
from age 15 and above was eligible for military service and could be called
upon at any time to serve in a war. Most families during 1600-1850 had at
least one soldier in service. Their records are found in a variety
of archives across Germany. Often, several archives must be consulted for
information. Knowing the dates of service, place of enlistment or place drafted,
and the regiment can save years of research. There are regimental and
garrison church registers where one can find birth, marriage, and death records
for both the soldier and his family. There are Officer Assignment Rolls,
Officer Lists, Officer Records, and records for enlisted men, the latter
known as Muster Rolls, Personnel Assignments, and Regimental Histories. There
are Pension Records for all commissioned and enlisted personnel. For the
Army of Prussia, these records are maintained by the
Deutsches Bundesarchiv--Militärarchiv
Wiesenthalstrasse 10
79115 Freiburg im Breisgau
In some cases your letter of inquiry to a church or civil archive will reveal the location of military archives in the region, if you include that in your request letter. There is a map of German military outfit locations at http://www.grosser-generalstab.de/.
For Hessian Mercenaries who fought against the Colonies in the Revolutionary War, there is a reference work,
"Hessische Truppen im Amerikanischen Unabhangigkeitskrieg," found in the Staatsarchiv Marburg, Germany. It was written in 1972. It lists names and dates of birth, places of birth and assembly, military divisions such as regiments, ranks, enlistment dates, and whether they were killed in action, missing in action, deserted to remain in the Americas, died of natural causes, or returned to Hessen, Germany. This work may be used in concert with the Hessen web site, using the Hessian Soldier link.
Another resource for German research is found in "In Search of Your German Roots," 3rd Edition, second printing 1995, written by Angus Baxter, published by Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Baltimore, MD; ISBN 0-8063-1447-8. The publisher's web site is at http://www.genealogical.com.
Other books can be found at the Hessen web site, Link Tables, and in FastTrak Resources.
WAR REGISTRATION LISTS are found in many archives. These often involved the registration of every male child born in the region at birth, since all males were obligated to serve in the military. Known as "Kriegsliste," these records will reveal the date that the individual entered into military service. There may be sufficient information to suggest research efforts in other archives.
The FHC at LDS can provide limited, but valuable leads for military
research. See, for example:
"German Military Records as Genealogical Sources." Salt Lake City,
Utah: Horst A. Reschke, 1990.
(FHL book 943 M2r; fiche 6001596; computer number 592812.).
The earliest German military records, beginning in 1485, list only the names of the soldiers. Records in the 19th century give information about promotions, where served, pensions, conduct, age, birthplace, home, civilian occupation, height, weight, hair, eyes, as well as family members.
The records you will want to ask for are as follows:
Military church records [Kirchenbücher]. They date from
Personnel files [Stammrollen].
Published officer files [Offizier-Stammlisten]
Officer rolls [Ranglisten].
Regimental histories. [Regimentsgeschichten].
Locating Military Records
German military records can be of great genealogical value, but getting access to them is often a problem. For example, it is difficult to get information from military records through correspondence. Those that have been filmed are hard to read, incomplete for several years, poorly arranged, and not indexed. If you write to archives for information from military records you must indicate the regiment or company to which your ancestor belonged. Also include the garrison town or commanding officer's name and your ancestor's rank if you know that information.
Records at German State Archives
There is no complete central archive for German military records. German states each had their own system of keeping military records before 1867. These records are now stored in several German state archives. Slowly, WW-I and WW-II archives are coming online (see below). The following pamphlet lists the archives where existing military records for each state are found:
Reschke, Horst A. "German Military Records as Genealogical Sources." Salt Lake City, Utah: Reschke, 1990 (LDS microfiche 6,001,596).
In 1867 the armies of all but three German states were integrated into the armies of Prussia. From that time, soldiers of any German state (except Bayern, Sachsen, or Württemburg) were recorded only in the military records of Prussia. Unfortunately, the Prussia military records were almost completely destroyed in the bombing raids of 1945. See.....
Maps at http://mitglied.lycos.de/Pomerania2/.
See especially the Armee link, including the Regiment links, then the additional information about Prussia, below.
Records at The Family History Library
Only a few German military records are available at the Family History Library. They are mostly military parish registers, a few published officer rolls [Stammlisten and Ranglisten], and regimental histories. German military church records are usually listed in the Family History Catalog with other church records. For other German military records, see the Locality section of the catalog under--
Prussia / Preussen Military Records at the FHL in SLC
You must insert the date, just above, like this: 18_03_04 is 1918, 3rd
day of April.
German Archive Addresses - Military
Normally, if you write to the wrong address, they will respond with the correct
one. This often takes several weeks or months. I can translate any response
received, including the actual records or copies thereof.
dwats at cox.net. (Change the "at" to
Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg
Wiesentalstraße 10
79115 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel. 011-49-761-478-179 (from the USA)
Fax: 011-49-761-478-1781
Zwischenarchiv Potsdam
Zeppelinstraße 127-128
14471 Potsdam
Tel.: 011-49-331-941-4420
German Military Service Records
Most personnel rosters and card indices (Stammrollen und Karteimittel) of the Prussian Army, the transition army (Übergangsheeres), the Army (Reichswehr), and the Imperial Navy (Kaiserlichen Marine) were burned in an air raid on Potsdam in February 1945. Some surviving records may be found at
Bundesarchiv - Militärisches Zwischenarchiv
Zeppelinstrasse 127/128
14471 Potsdam
Preserved are medical records of those soldiers who were being treated in military hospitals (Lazarett). The records, most with personnel roster extracts (Stammrollenauszügen), are for those born from 1870 on, and are stored at
Krankenbuchlager Berlin
Wattstrasse 11-13
13355 Berlin
Lists of Prussian and other German officers are generally available in book series with titles like "Rangliste der Königlich Preussischen Armee". These books were published roughly annually since at least 1796; some have been reprinted.
An overview of the Prussian army and its military church records can be found in Lyncker, "Die Altpreussische Armee 1714-1806 und ihre Militärkirchenbücher", and "Die preussische Armee 1807-1867 und ihre sippenkundlichen Quellen", and also in Eger, "Verzeichnis der Militärkirchenbücher in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland." Maps of the Prussian / Pommern regions are found at http://mitglied.lycos.de/Pomerania2/
Pre-1914 German military units are found at German Military Service Obligation as of 1901
World War II German military personnel may have service records at:
Bundesarchiv - Zentralnachweisstelle
Abteigarten 6
52076 Aachen
Tel 011 49 2408 147 0 <------ If you speak German
Fax 011 49 2408 147 37 <------ English or German
(this office does NOT have Germany Navy records)
No public E-Mail listed on their home page but they do have a web-based
E-Mail form you can fill out and
they will respond by E-Mail (if permitted by law). Try
. It often
takes a long time to get a response, and sometimes it comes by regular
For those who were wounded or otherwise hospitalized:
Landesamt fuer Gesundheit un Soziales Berlin
Abt. IV - Ref. Krankenbuchlager
Wattstr. 11-13
13355 Berlin
Krankenbuchlager Berlin
Wattstr. 11
13629 Berlin
Tel 011 49 30 463 02 0
You can use
for web-based E-Mail contact. Just change your identifiers - and I would
wait maybe 30 minutes between transmissions, so a clerk doesn't think you
hit the send button twice, and toss one. If you can write in PERFECT German,
and read TECHNICAL responses, you can contact them. No other language inquiries
accepted as of this writing 2001. I can write your inquiries for you, in
German: dwats <at> cox . net .. remember to adjust the E-Mail address
to the proper format.
We joined the Bund deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge at
http://www.volksbund.de and receive
a newsletter/
magazine. They request contributions to continue the search. Well worth it,
if you still want to know what happened to your loved one.
Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt)
Eichborndamm 179
13403 Berlin
E-Mail wast@com-de.com
Bundesarchiv Abt. III
Finckensteinallee 63
12205 Berlin
(Office has Wehrmacht military records, and those of the NSDAP
Don't think that you can write or email a rambling, unprofessional inquiry to WASt. This is a professional organization which insists on brevity, accuracy, and documentation. You need an inquiry written in the German language, according to their criteria (dwats <a> cox . net). And you must be able to prove that you are a relative.
WASt holdings center on those reported to be prisoners of war (POW), missing in action (MIA), or killed in action (KIA), and also on members of the Navy, though other records are also held. Requests for information may be sent to either of the above offices; they will be forwarded as needed to the appropriate office. Keep in mind that not all records have been uploaded.
For German soldiers missing in action since World War I and World War II, please visit the following German language web site: http://www.volksbund.de. The information you learn here can be entered on the form provided at http://www.dd-wast.de/ for online inquiries. Additional info is found at http://www.volksbund.de, the German language home page. For those interested I can provide a translation.
There is an English-language German Air Force Group:
Luftwaffe Archives Group (German Air Force Archives Group)
The International Red Cross in Geneva also holds files, researched for a fee. The contact information is:
Archives Division and Research Service
19 Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
For civilian records, one must write to the appropriate agency or ministry
archives (e.g., justice, finance, railroad, post). Those who had relatives
in NSDAP positions (National Socialist German Workers' Party - Nazi) can
request information from the Bundesarchiv,
http://www.bundesarchiv.de, or the
US National Archives. Some NSDAP members are found at:
Using the search engine at the top of the page, type in nsdap. You can also
type nsdap at http://google.com
There are SS officers listed in certain German documents which may provide
genealogical leads. These officers had their lineage traced back to 1750.
The records are maintained under the heading "RuSha Collection" at
the National Archives in College Park MD USA, and may or may not include
information such as genealogical charts, family summaries, church and civil
records of family birth, marriage, and death dates. The URL for the National
Archives is
Berlin Document Center
SS Lists, BDC
If you want to write for detailed reference information about BDC records, the address is:
Captured German and Related Records
Textual Reference Branch (NWDT2)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Berlin Document Center
Finckensteinallee 63
12175 Berlin
The above address reportedly has the most complete SS and similar German military records, including an analysis of the soldier's family history.
To restate, for WW-II MIA, KIA, and POW German military:
The Deutsche Dienststelle was created after World War II. It's purpose is to notify the next-of-kin when the identity of a fallen German soldier, or one missing in action, and the 10,000 kidnapped at the end of the war, is determined. Many Germans have been able to travel to eastern Europe since the fall of Communism, and to stand on the spot where their loved one fell; to plant flowers; to pray, all because of the efforts of the German Red Cross, the International Red Cross, and the Deutsche Dienststelle. They will not respond to your email inquiry except by regular mail, and then only after you have demonstrated a direct relationship to the German soldier (not Uncle or whatever, but son, daughter, grandson, grand-daughter - the relationship must be in direct line from the soldier). If you don't identify a direct relationship, they may not respond, or will respond asking you to prove one, by regular mail.
There is an organization in Germany dedicated to following up on the work of the Deutsche Dienststelle. Their work was published in a magazine titled "Stimme & Weg - Arbeit Für Den Frieden," published 4/94 as a special issue, dedicated to their mission. If you read German you should attempt to obtain a copy. Even if you don't, the photographs are worth 100,000 words. They are known as "Kriegsgräberfürsorge," and their address is
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge
Werner-Hilpert Straße 2
34112 Kassel
They have offices in every state in Germany. If you speak German, you can call their Graves Information Office from the USA at 011 49 561 70 09-123.
Their travel plans to Eastern Europe can be learned by calling 011 49 561 70 09-200.
Every year they have a "Volkstrauertagsfeiern," or day of mourning and remembrance. Schedule is at 011 49 561 70 09-130.
In some cases the last 3 numbers may be an extension. Pause, then punch them in if it doesn't ring.
Each year the youth of Germany, on holiday from classes, search for mass graves in Eastern Europe. As these, and single graves are identified, they are marked for excavation and identification.
The hard-line and old-line Communists objected loudly to the opening of the WW-II files, which revealed a great deal about Soviet atrocities and not a few other secrets. Former Russian President Yeltsin opened the files, then President Putin closed them, under pressure from the hard-liners. Whether they will be made available, completely or on a per-case basis, is not clear. You can input the name of your MIA or KIA at this link:
Contact Don Watson dwats at cox
net for translations.
Abteilung Militararchiv
Weisenstrasse 10
79115 Freiburg
Here is a sample address for a local source of information, similar to the VFW in the United States. It would only apply to servicemen from the Darmstadt area and is shown here merely as an example. However, the title of the organization may remain the same, regardless of the city it is located in:
Verband der Kriegs- und Wehrdienstopfer
Nieder-Ramstädter-Str. 61
64287 Darmstadt
Luftwaffe Archives Group (German
Air Force Archives Group)
Various Divisions and Units, 18th and 19th Century. These are volumes
that are FOR SALE, and most of the presentation is in the German language,
except for a brief portion in English which describes the terms of sale.
Some archives destroyed in
The Stadtarchiv and the Rathaus in Kassel were badly hit in the 1943 bombing.
The following records were either lost completely or have only survived in
-17th century guild records for Kassel
-the old Buergerbuch
-the parish registers after 1750 for most of the downtown parishes
-parish registers for Bettenhausen (1752-1829),Niederzwehren (1788-1830),
Nordshausen (1669-1829), Waldau (1621-1830), Oberzwehren (1669-1829),
Wehlheiden (1773-1830), Kirchditmold (1773-1943), Rothenditmold
The German Military mailing list offers a subscription at
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Verein zu Foerderung der Zentralstelle
(Promotional Offices for
Personen und Familiengeschichte
the State Archives, above)
Archivstrasse 11
14195 Berlin
Dr. jur. Ludwig Becker
Zentralstelle, Familiengeschichte
Birkenweg 13
61381 Friedrichsdorf
Niedersaechs Landesverein
fuer Familienkunde e.V.
Am Bokemahle 14-16
30171 Hannover
Institut fuer pfaelzische Geschichte und Volkskunde
Benzinoring 6
Postfach 2860
67616 Kaiserslautern
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The Archives in the City of
Stadtarchiv Dresden (City Archive)
Marienallee 3
01099 Dresden
phone: 011 49 804 3401
Dresdner Geschichtsverein e.V. (Dresden Historical Society)
Wilsdruffer Strasse 2a
01067 Dresden
phone: 011 49 495 6074
Landesverein Sächsische Heimatschutz e.V.
(Saxon Local History Society)
Wilsdruffer Strasse 2a
01067 Dresden
phone: 011 49 495 6153
Stadtmuseum Dresden (City Museum)
Wilsdruffer Strasse 2
01067 Dresden
phone: 011 49 498 660
Hamburg-Amerika Line
You must state the name of the individual who died on board.
You must state whether the ship was outbound or inbound.
You must state the name of the ship.
You must state the dates of the voyage.
Sterberegister, Seemannsamt (Death Register, Seaman's
Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansesstadt Hamburg
ABC-Strasse 19A
20354 Hamburg
HAPAG-Lloyd, Archiv
Ballindamm 25
20095 Hamburg
Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum
Hans-Scharoun-Platz 1
27568 Bremerhaven
Everything you ever wanted to know about SHIPS! Click Here.
Institut für Genealogie
Zentralstelle für Personen- und Familiengeschichte
Birkenweg 13
61381 Friedrichsdorf
Landesarchiv Speyer
Otto-Mayer Strasse 0
67346 Speyer
In the former GDR (East Germany) you can try to search for the old
parish books in all of the parishes (unfortunately some of the parish books
are destroyed). For asking about the parishes smaller villages belong to
you can ask the
Evangelische Kirche Berlin - Brandenburg
or the archive of the
Evangelische Kirche der Union
Jebensstr. 3
Telephone 011 49 3031001-0 from the USA.
French Archives, Alsace:
Cercle Genealogique D'Alsace
Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin
5 Rue Fischart
67000 Strasbourg
Census records from Neumark, Brandenburg or Prussia can be found at....
Statistischen Jahrbücher für Preussen
Geheimen Staatsarchiv - Preussischen Kulturbesitzes
Archivstr. 12/14
14195 Berlin - Dahlem
Records before 1903 are listed under the title 'Statistisches Handbuch für den Preussischen Staat'. No birth, baptism, christening, marriage, or death dates included. Lists only the address, occupation, and number of family members. No names, no wills, or other documents. If you write to the address and IF you get an answer, you'll see only numbers. Not available for any community with a population of less than 10,000. Tax records for land owners are found in 'Praestations-Tabellen.' Wills are found in court documents. See the Prussian mailing list and web sites.
Archiv Des Bistums Speyer
Kleine Pffaffengasse 16
67346 Speyer
Bischofliches Ordinariat Bistumarchiv
Pfaffengasse 16
67346 Speyer
Institut Fur Pfalzische Geschichte und Volkskunde
Benzinoring 6
67567 Kaiserslautern - for emigration records
LandesarchivE Speyer
Otto-Mayer-Strasse 9
67346 Speyer
Pfalzisch-Rheinische Familienkunde E.V.
Rottstrasse 17
67061 Ludwigshafen
Stadtarchiv Kaiserslautern
67653 Kaiserslautern
Zentralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz
Domplatz 6
67346 Speyer
Institut fur Stadtgeschichte
Karmeliterstrasse 5
60311 Frankfurt-am Main
Deutscher Hugenotten-Verein e.V. (DHV) (German Huguenot Society)
c/o Deutsches Hugenotten-Zentrum (German Huguenot Center)
Hafenplatz 9a
34385 Bad Karlshafen
Tel. / Fax +011 49-5672-1433
Catholic Church Archives
Archives in Bavaria
Church Addresses
Badisches General Landesarchiv Karlsruhe
Nördliche Hildapromenade 2
76133 Karlsruhe
Blandeskirklichesarchiv Wurttemberg
Gansheiderstrasse 4
70184 Stuttgart
(Historical Emigration Office)
Steinstrasse 7
20095 Hamburg
Research in the Westerwald
Förderverein Dt. Auswanderungsmuseum e.V.
lnselstrasse 6
27568 Bremerhaven
Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
Aussenstelle Berlin
Stauffenbergstrasse 13
10785 Berlin
Tel.: 011 49 3025 4170
Fax: 011 49 30 5 4171 - 99
Special maps: Based on the official map series at the scales 1:200,000,
1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000 the Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie can
produce special maps of any kind by prior arrangement, and can print these
maps to the required number. Enquiries must be addressed to the address given.
Prices are lower than any found elsewhere.
BEGAN..... When All Else
Every German citizen has been required to register with the local police
and the Resident Citizen Registration Office in their village, town, or city.
Here are the procedures and rules:
If the inquirer can show a legal or justified interest in the information
available at the Einwohnermeldeamt (Resident Citizen Registration Office),
the information listed below can be provided. The cost can be explained in
person at the office. If the inquiry is by letter, German postage stamps
must be included, and a draft for the archives fee. See the Hessen web site
for how to pay for
research in Germany.
Date and Place of Birth
Other Names Used (First and Last)
Family Status (Single, Married)
Previous address(es)
Date registered in one city and date moved to another
Legal representative or assistant
Date and place of death.
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